These Millennials are the same ones that want ever more globalisation and mass migration and even more political correctness ruling our lives-yet they are the ones paying the biggest price for the loss of well-paid manufacturing jobs into a mass sprawl of minimum wage service sector and warehouse jobs. How stupid they are, failing to realise the damage they are doing to themselves, their kids and the West.
The focus by Hillary “Because I’m a woman” Clinton on Identity Politics: race gender and sexuality, excluded most of the silent majority. She excluded white men, she excluded religious Christians and others, she excluded many women fed up by radical feminists setting the agenda on how women and men should behave and more importantly, the subtext of much of this sort of feminism is a hatred of men. Blaming men for all the worlds problems since we left the caves is one thing, trying to change a million years of human evolution in the space of 30 years is another.